Investing in our physiotherapy service for your business will result in keeping staff at work and getting them back to work as quickly and as safely as possible. In doing so, both the employee and the employer benefit. The employee benefits from job retention and long term better health; the employer benefits from significant savings – reduced absenteeism and presenteeism costs, increased employee productivity, and litigation reductions.
Our model is simple, flexible and effective. Having a workplace physiotherapy service for your company might seem complicated, but we’re so experienced and versatile that we can start providing you with our service within just a few weeks of your company asking us to start.
We’ll agree with your company a set number of hours/week that they wish us to be on-site. Your company will need to provide us with a small private room at their premises that our physiotherapist can solely use with patients while he/she is there. It could be a meeting room for example that is reserved for our use when we are there. It doesn’t even have to be the same room each time. All of our equipment is portable and compact such that we can store it away in a small space when we are not there.
Our in-house physiotherapy service enables rapid, immediate, effective care for musculoskeletal disorders. The service is made up of a combination of treatment and proactive services whereby positive safety and work behaviours are reinforced to decrease the risk of injuries re-occurring or happening in the first place. It is this proactive element which brings the biggest impact and highest ROI.
If your company is looking for an occupational physiotherapy service but doesn’t have the want or space for an on-site clinic, then we can treat your employees off-site on an as-needed basis away at one of our Associate Practices.
Your employees still receive the same high standards of service that they would if they were being treated at an on-site physiotherapy clinic to include specialised physiotherapy assessment, treatment and return to work and rehabilitation programmes, workplace recommendations and bespoke reports to the line manager. However, being off-site means that the physiotherapist is unable to attend company management meetings and has less liaising and input with the employees’ line managers.
Our IT infrastructure means that we hold all our clinical information on a central server and as such our physiotherapists can access employee clinical notes from any of our clinics. The service is therefore seamless for our clients who invest in our on-site physiotherapy service at many of their locations across the country and for any referrals to our off-site private clinics.

40% of musculoskeletal disorders can be dealt with by telephone triage intervention rather than face-to-face intervention. The most clinically-effective and cost-effective approach to the management of musculoskeletal disorders is a stratified approach based on the patient’s prognosis. Put simply, this is the early identification of a patient’s risk of having a poor outcome from their illness and adapting their treatment and intervention accordingly.
Back in Action UK’s PhysioTel Service is modelled on these findings and delivers to our clients: Immediate and effective specialised physiotherapy intervention for all its employees – even those based at home or in remote settings; a reduction in time and cost associated with attending physiotherapy and other medical appointments and faster return to work or function with associated considerable cost benefits.
Our PhysioTel Service provides a massive Return on Investment to our Clients as a standalone service but it brings additional value to those clients who have invested in our on-site or off-site physiotherapy services.